Thursday, August 12, 2010

Amusement (2008)

Director: John Simpson
Starring: Keir O'Donnell, Katheryn Winnick, Laura Breckenridge, Jessica Lucas


Three girls, who had all been involved in ridiculing a boy when they were young children, encounter separate but linked fates involving a traffic convoy, a clown and a creep old house.


This was strange one for me in the sense that I was peripherally aware of it for a long time before I'd gotten round to watching it, and it left me with a feeling of both disappointment and pleasant surprise.

First of all, I didn't expect it to be a portmanteau style of movie with intertwining stories. So, like most viewers, the abrupt end & switch after the first story caught me by surprise. That first story was a strong start, effortlessly building tension to a shock twist. The second story is equally strong, though to be fair creepy clowns aren't hard to pull off. But, it all seemed to be a great little gem of a movie.

Unfortunately, things fall apart during the third act. The final story isn't anywhere near as gripping as the previous two and it's also the one where everything ties up and gets explained. The explanation is left wanting, and more than a little silly with characters whose arcs are never truly resolved. it's a shame, especially as director Simpson seems to be a real talent when he gets going (his 2004 effort Freeze Frame was similarly flawed but occasionally brilliant).

As a side note, I don't think I've ever seen any movie get unjustly attacked so much on IMDB for similarities to other movies! The clown features heavily in advertising though only really shows up in one story, leading to claims that it's everything from a remake of Stephen King's IT to a complete rip-off... I certainly wouldn't go that far, it's a great movie for much of its length and short enough so that its flaws never outstay its welcome.

7 / 10

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